Good Friday Service 
April 15th

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Join Us in the Sanctuary for a service of contemplation and meditation as we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 

Service begins at 6:30 pm.

Easter/Resurrection Sunday
Easter Sunrise Service
April 17th

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Sunrise service at 8:00 am outside on the patio.  Some Chairs will be provided, but you may want to bring your own comfortable lawn chairs.

Also, bring flowers, if you have them, or share the flowers brought by our generous gardeners, for the flower cross.

The Sunrise Service will be followed by coffee and light breakfast.

Easter/Resurrection Sunday
Easter Service
April 17th

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Easter Service 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.


Celebrate the Risen Christ with flowers, scripture, singing and music with piano, violin, drums and choir.

Easter Egg Hunt 
After Easter Sunday Service
April 17th

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Celebrate the Risen Christ Easter Egg Hunt. 

Easter Sunday after the 11:00 am Easter Service. 

Please see Jess Anastes if you would like to help with surprises for the hunters.

Order Your Easter Lily!!!!

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Each Easter season, the Worship Team purchases Easter Lilies to adorn the Sanctuary for our Easter Service. The Worship Team will be purchasing Easter Lilies for the Sanctuary. Easter Lilies this year will be coming from Campbell Road Nursery, so they will be fine quality. If you would like to purchase an Easter Lily in Honor or in Memory of a loved one, you can request a Lily and provide the name or names of the persons you would like to honor or remember. Suggested Donation for a Lily is $15.00. Lilies will be available for pick up after the Easter Sunday Service on April 17th.

If you have not filled out your order form, please do so here so that we can recognize your loved ones during our Easter Service on Sunday April 17th. Easter Lily Requests (This link will open in a new window)

You can purchase your Easter Lilies here by going to our paypal link: Pay Here