Join us for our Faith and Films Movie Series for this Fall.
Avent Ferry Faith & Films is a ministry designed to help individuals grow in faith through viewing and interpreting a vast variety of films that have inspiring, and often challenging messages.
Our first Film of the Season is in connection with Pastor Steven’s Sermons on the Environment.
Join us Friday evening, September 29th Outdoors for “Ice on Fire”.

(Image: by HBO Max)
Executive produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this documentary explores how the world is feeling the effects of climate change, while examining the need to reduce carbon emissions. Through interviews with visionaries and scientists, the film captures the crisis while offering hope that climate change can be mitigated, and global warming reversed.
Watch Ice on Fire Trailer (Image will open in a new tab)
Bring your lawn chairs for the outside movie. In case of weather, the movie will be shown in the sanctuary.
A short discussion will follow