Greater Triangle Crop Walk
Join us Sunday October 29, 2023 at 3:00pm
Help us reach our Fundraising Goal!!!
We are dedicating our Avent Ferry Crop Walk in memory of Rachel Gooding! Please help us support and raise money for this special Missions event!
Join our Avent Ferry United Methodist Church Team or donate by clicking below:
For this year’s Walk we return to downtown Raleigh. The Step off will be from First Baptist Church on Salisbury Street parking lot (GPS 176 Hillsborough Street). There is plenty of parking with an adjoining state parking lot (by Sanctuary on Hillsborough St, just past 99 N. Salisbury) and state parking deck 77 on West Edenton Street (turn left onto Edenton Street from N. Salisbury just before you reach the State Capitol). Both parking options are no charge.
Please go to www.trianglenccrop.org for information about our benefitting partners, sponsors, walk route maps, etc.
Great Triangle Crop Walk, Sunday October 29th!