(Image: “Rest in God” Valente, Liz, 2021, Drawing, Brazil)
©Order of Worship for Sunday July 09, 2023
6th Sunday after Pentecost
For the Avent Ferry UMC Worship Video Click Here (Link opens in a new window)
The worship video will be available live at 11:00 am.
Text for hymns are found below each hymn. Click on the hymn highlighted text for music if shown.
Prelude:……..“You Will Find Rest For Your Soul”……Greg D.
Music: G. Dixon
Coming of the Light:…………………………………………Eli A.
Greetings:……………………………………………Pastor Steven
Opening Prayer:…………………………..……Elizabeth B.
For words we’ve said and haven’t said.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For what we’ve done and left undone.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For harm we’ve planned and scars we’ve left.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For taking sides and laying blame.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For promises we haven’t kept.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For holy wars, oppressive missions.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For masquerade and superstition.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For taking sides and laying blame.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love.
For when we taught but failed to listen.
We humbly ask the mercy of your love. Amen
Opening Hymns:…..“You Who Are Thirsty” #2132 TFWS
Words and Music: Barbara Ross © Palm Branch Music, Inc.
You who are thirsty, come to the well and drink from
waters flowing. You who are hungry, come to the
bread and eat of his holiness. You who are tired,
find rest. You who are weak, find strength. You
who are thirsty, come to the well and drink.
You who are thirsty, come to the well and drink from
waters flowing. You who are hungry, come to the
bread and eat of his holiness. You who are tired,
find rest. You who are weak, find strength. You
who are thirsty, come to the well and drink.
He will freely feed all of them who are weak. He will
quench the righteous thirst of all who humbly seek.
He will freely feed all of them who are weak. He will
quench the righteous thirst of all who humbly seek.
“Give Thanks” #2036 TFWS
Words and Music: Henry Smith © 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the
Holy One, give thanks because he’s given Jesus
Christ his Son. Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because
he’s given Jesus Christ his Son. And now let the
weak say “I am strong”; let the poor say, “I am
rich because of what the Lord has done for us.”
Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks.
Passing of the Peace:……………………………Pastor Steven
Let us show signs of reconciliation and peace to one another.
Gloria Patri: “Glory Be to the Father” #71
The United Methodist Hymnal
Words: Lesser Doxology, 3rd-4th century
Music: Henry W. Greatorex, 1851
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen. Amen.
Announcements:……………………………………………Lorri B.
Giving of our tithes and offerings:…….
You can do this with no ok fee through your bank’s online bill pay option. It is easy to set up for automatic monthly giving. Or, you can use this link: Online Giving
Offertory: …..…”How Great You Are”…………….Greg D.
Words and Music: Phil Posthuma ©2006, 2011, Phil Posthuma
Offertory Response:
“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” (The Doxology) #94
The United Methodist Hymnal
Adapted © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House
Words by Thomas Ken, 1674, adapted by Gilbert Vieira, 1978
Music: Geistliche Kirchengesänge, 1623; harmony by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!”
Prayer After Receiving:…………………………Pastor Steven
Prayers of the People:…………………………..Pastor Steven
Hymn of Preparation:………“Living for Jesus” #2149 TFWS
Words: T.O. Chisolm Music: C. Harold Lowden
1. Living for Jesus a life that is true,
striving to please him in all that I do,
yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
this is the pathway of blessing for me.
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to
thee; for thou, in thy atonement, didst give
thyself for me; I own no other master, my heart
shall be thy throne, my life I give, henceforth to
live, O Christ, for thee alone.
2. Living for Jesus who died in my place,
bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace,
such love constrains me to answer his call,
follow his leading and give him my all.
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to
thee; for thou, in thy atonement, didst give
thyself for me; I own no other master, my heart
shall be thy throne, my life I give, henceforth to
live, O Christ, for thee alone.
3. Living for Jesus wherever I am,
doing each duty in his holy name,
willing to suffer affliction or loss,
deeming each trial a part of my cross.
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to
thee; for thou, in thy atonement, didst give
thyself for me; I own no other master, my heart
shall be thy throne, my life I give, henceforth to
live, O Christ, for thee alone.
4. Living for Jesus through earth’s little while,
my dearest treasure, the light of his smile,
seeking the lost ones he died to redeem,
bringing the weary to find rest in him.
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to
thee; for thou, in thy atonement, didst give
thyself for me; I own no other master, my heart
shall be thy throne, my life I give, henceforth to
live, O Christ, for thee alone.
Old Testament Lesson: “Zechariah 2:1-5”……..Elizabeth B.
I looked up and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand. Then I asked, “Where are you going?” He answered me, “To measure Jerusalem, to see what is its width and what is its length.” Then the angel who talked with me came forward, and another angel came forward to meet him, and said to him, “Run, say to that young man: Jerusalem shall be inhabited like villages without walls, because of the multitude of people and animals in it. For I will be a wall of fire all around it, says the Lord, and I will be the glory within it.”
Sermon:……….“Measuring Up”……………..Pastor Steven
Anthem:………..“Because of Who You Are”…………Choir
Words and Music Billy Smiley and Bob Ferrell © 1982 Paragon Music Corp.
Closing Hymn:………“Come Away with Me” #2202 TFWS
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn Music: John D. Horman
© 1997 Abingdon Press, admin. By The Copyright. Co.
1. Come away with me to a quiet place,
apart from the world with its frantic pace,
to pray, reflect, and seek God’s grace.
Come away with me. Come away.
2.Come and pray with me on a gentle sea,
on top of a hill in the Galilee,
in gardens like Gethsemane.
Come away with me. Come away.
3.Come today with thoughts of the countless
ways that God’s steadfast love blesses all
all our days, and join with me in silent praise.
Come away with me. Come away.
4.Come and say, in the words whispered from
your soul, the feelings and actions you can’t
control. Your spirit needs to be made whole.
Come away with me. Come away.
5.Come away with me to a quiet place,
to God’s loving arms waiting to embrace
all those who come in hope of grace.
Come away with me. Come away.
Dismissal with Blessing: …………………..………..Pastor Steven
Postlude:……..……“God Leads Us Along”………………Greg D.
Words and Music: G.A. Young, Public Domain
For Online Giving, follow this link Avent Ferry Give . You can also mail checks to Avent Ferry UMC, 2700 Avent Ferry Road, Raleigh, NC 27606.
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Sunday July 9th Worship Service In Person or Online