(Image Bethel UMC Seymour)
©Order of Worship December 19, 2021
Fourth Sunday of Advent
For the Avent Ferry UMC Worship Video Click Here (Link opens in a new window)
The worship video will be available live at 11:00 am.
Text for hymns are found below each hymn. Click on the hymn highlighted text for music.
Prelude: “Sing We Now Of Christmas” Traditional French Hymn / “O Come All Ye Faithful” Latin Hymn ascribed to John Francis Wade, 1743.
Violin- Stephanie Swisher, Percussion- Daniel Lavan
Piano- Gregory Dixon
Coming of the Light
Greetings …………………………………Pastor Steven
Opening Prayer: ……………………….Pastor Steven
Lighting of the Advent Candle…..Steve, Beverly, Allison
Opening Hymn:
“Angels We Have Heard on High” #238 UMH
Words & Music: Traditional French carol
Harmony by Austin C. Lovelace © 1964 Abingdon Press
1.Angels we have heard on high sweetly singing o’er the plains,
and the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains.
Gloria, in excelsis Deo! Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
2. Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong?
What the gladsome tidings be which inspire your heavenly song?
Gloria, in excelsis Deo! Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
3. Come to Bethlehem and see Christ whose birth the angels sing;
come, adore on bended knee, Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
Gloria, in excelsis Deo! Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
4. See him in a manger laid, whom the choirs of angels praise;
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, while our hearts in love we raise.
Gloria, in excelsis Deo! Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
Giving of our tithes and offerings ……….Elizabeth
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Offertory Response: “The Doxology” #95 UMH
Words: Thomas Ken, 1674 Music: Attr. to Louis Bourgeois, 1551
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Prayer after receiving…………………Pastor Steven
Prayers of the People:…………………Pastor Steven
Sing We Now of Christmas
A Celebration With Songs, Narration and Music
Opening Instrumental:
Sing We Now of Christmas/The Little Drummer Boy
Narration: ………………………………………Pastor Steven
Duet: “Do You Hear What I Hear” ………Cullen and Diane
Mary’s Little Boy Child/The Star Carol
Solo: “I Wonder As I Wander”……………………………Lusi
Instrumental: Bring A Torch, Jeannette, Isabella/
Mary Had A Baby
Narration: ………………………………………Pastor Steven
Solo: “Breath Of Heaven” ……………………………Melanie
Instrumental: Fumn, Fum, Fum/All Through The Night
Solo: “Mary, Did You Know”………………………..Phillip
Instrumental: Let The Song Begin
Narration: ………………………………………Pastor Steven
Instrumental: Carol Of The Bells
Quartet: “Go Light Your World” …………Diane, Elizabeth,
Catherine, Lusi
Narration: ………………………………………Pastor Steven
Closing Hymns:
“Go Tell It On the Mountain” #251 UMH
Words: John W. Work, Jr., 1907
Music: Afro-American spiritual; arr. by William Farley
Smith, 1986, © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing
Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and
everywhere; go, tell it on the mountain, that
Jesus Christ is born.
1.While shepherds kept their watching o’er silent
flocks by night, behold throughout the heavens
there shown a holy light.
Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and
everywhere; go, tell it on the mountain, that
Jesus Christ is born.
2.The shepherds feared and trembled, when lo!
above the earth, rang out the angel chorus
that hailed the Savior’s birth.
Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and
everywhere; go, tell it on the mountain, that
Jesus Christ is born.
3.Down in a lowly manger the humble Christ
was born, and God sent us salvation that
blessed Christmas morn.
Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and
everywhere; go, tell it on the mountain, that
Jesus Christ is born.
“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand”
Words: Traditional Music: Whole World, Afro-American
Spiritual arr. by Hezekiah Brinson, Jr., © 1990
1.He’s got the whole world in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.
2.He’s got the sun and the moon in His hand,
He’s got the sun and the moon in His hand,
He’s got the sun and the moon in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.
3.He’s got the wind and the rain in His hand,
He’s got the wind and the rain in His hand,
He’s got the wind and the rain in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.
4.He’s got the little bitty baby in His hand,
He’s got the little bitty baby in His hand,
He’s got the little bitty baby in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.
5.He’s got you and me, brother, in His hand,
He’s got you and me, sister, in His hand,
He’s got everybody here in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.
Dismissal with blessing:………………Pastor Steven
Postlude: “Hallelujah” Chorus, from “Messiah” by George Frideric Handel, 1741…………………………………Musicians
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