Black Jesus teaching” by unknown

Order of Worship April 18, 2021
Third Sunday of Easter

For the Avent Ferry UMC Worship Video (Click Here (Link opens in a new window)

The worship video will be available live at 11:00 am.
Text for hymns are found below each hymn.  Click on the hymn highlighted text for music.

Prelude: “In Heaven’s Eyes”, by P. McHugh, © 1985, River Oaks Music Company.   …Gregory D.
Greetings………………………..……………………………Pastor Juan 
Opening Prayer…………………………………..…..………Aaron B.
Opening Hymn:The Strife Is O’er, The Battle Done” #306 UMH
Words: Anon. Latin 1695; trans. By Francis Pott, 1861
Music: Giovanni P. Da Palestrina, 1591; arr. by W.H. Monk, 1861
Antiphon (at the beginning and after stanza 4)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
1.The strife is o’er, the battle done;
the victory of life is won; the song of
triumph has begun: Alleluia!
2.The powers of death have done their worst,
but Christ their legions hath dispersed; let shouts
of holy joy outburst: Alleluia!
3.The three sad days are quickly sped;
he rises glorious from the dead; all glory
to our risen Head! Alleluia!
4.Lord, by the stripes which wounded thee,
from death’s dread sting thy servants free,
that we may live, and sing to thee: Alleluia!
Psalm Lesson: Psalm 4………………………….…………….Aaron B.
Hymn of Preparation: Surely The Presence of The Lord” #328 UMH
Words: Lanny Wolfe, 1977 Music: Lanny Wolfe, 1977
© 1977 Lanny Wolfe Music
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place;
I can feel his mighty power and his grace.
I can hear the brush of angels’ wings,
I see glory on each face; surely the
the presence of the Lord is in this place.
Gospel Lesson: Luke 24:36b-48……..……………………Aaron B.
Sermon….………………….…………….……………………Pastor Juan
Offertory Response Solo: “They Could Not”, by R. Harris and C. Cloniger, © 1981, Ron Harris Music (ASCAP)……………………………………Kellen M.
Prayers of The People…………………………………….Pastor Juan
Please comment with your prayer concerns and especially offer up those things that cause your soul to be in a place of deep lament this day via Youtube Live Chat:
After each prayer read:
Leader: Lord in your mercy.
All: Hear our prayers.
Closing Hymn: O Living God” #3089 W&S
Words: Ken Bible Music: Traditional USA folk tune;
arr. By Ken Bible
Words and arr. ©2000
1.O living God, I long to see you lifted
up in all your glory; to
see you there in holy beauty. O
Lord, almighty God, living Christ, I love you.
2.O living God, I long to praise you heart and
voice, with all creation; to
worship you for tender mercy. O
Lord, almighty God, living Christ, I love you.
3.O living God, I soon will see you face to
face, in all your glory.  I’ll
worship you in endless wonder. O
Lord, almighty God, living Christ, I love you.
Dismissal with Blessing…………………..…………..…Pastor Juan
Postlude: “Walk On, O People of God” #305 UMH
Words: Cesareo Gabarain; trans. by George
Lockwood, 1987 Music: Cesareo Gabarain
harm. By Juan Luis Garcia, 1987
© 1979 Ediciones Paulinas; trans. © 1989 The
United Methodist Publishing House.
Walk on, O people of God; walk on, O
People of God! A new law, God’s new
alliance, all creation is reborn. Walk on,
O people of God; walk on, O people of God!
Camina, pueblo de Dios, camina, pueblo
de Dios. Nueva ley, nueva alianza, en
la nueva creación. Camina, pueblo de
Dios, camina, pueblo de Dios.
1.Look on Calvary’s summit; on the rock
there towers a cross; death that gives birth
to new living, a new people, a new light.
Christ has brought us salvation with his
death and rising again. Everything comes
To new birthing, all creation is reborn.
2.Christ takes into his body all our sin,
enslavement, and pain; as he destroys
them he brings us life’s abundance, life’s
new joy. Christ brings reconciliation to all
things and people with God. Nature bursts
into new flowering, all creation is reborn.

Announcements, Tithing & Giving
Announcements will be shared in the beginning and at the end of service via slideshow on the screen.
You can give & tithe with no fee through your bank’s online bill pay option. It is easy to set up for automatic monthly giving. Or, you can use this link: Online Giving
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Join Us For Worship, Sunday April 18th at 11:00am on Youtube Live