The NC UM Conference has created a video of our team working in New Bern NC. Those that were on the job will remember Chris Daniel filming that day. This is a really excellent video of everyone working on an extremely difficult job. The link to the NC Conference video site is:
You can share this any time to help promote our team. Don’t be afraid to ask anyone or organization for funds to help our team. It costs us $400 just to pull out of the parking lot for each job. There is still have equipment to update and new equipment to purchase. The team is working towards being totally self sufficient for 3 days at a time in the future. If any of your organizations needs a speaker for any program, please let Cullen Whitley know. Hal and Cullen have put together a very informative program that can be customized for any group.
The Disaster Relief Team’s next work day is scheduled for Saturday August 3, 2019 to complete two of the five remaining jobs that that are on the docket. They are close together in the communities of Maysville and Pollocksville.
Our NC UM Conference relies heavily on this team to provide services that are not readily available across the state. They will have to work hard to complete the work load before any new storms create more.