Today is Giving Tuesday!
You still have time to give to Avent Ferry!
One way to give to Avent Ferry UMC is during our regular offering on Sunday mornings, mailing your tithes and donations to 2700 Avent Ferry Road, Raleigh, NC 27606 or you can also give electronically at
Online Giving
Your giving supports all of our Ministries at Avent Ferry UMC!!!
Avent Ferry Food Relief Ministry
Kids Cafe and Avent West Children’s Mentoring
Greater Triangle Avent Ferry Rachel Gooding Crop Walk
Habitat for Humanity Methodist Build
Avent Ferry Prayer Ministries
Disaster Response Team
Family Promise
Avent Ferry Faith and Films
Avent Ferry Arts Fellowship
Avent Ferry Music Program
Today is Giving Tuesday! There is still time to Give to Avent Ferry!