Join us for this years community Annual Church Yard Sale at Avent Ferry UMC on Saturday August 14th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Due to COVID-19, we will have to do this year’s Yard Sale differently. To do this safely, we must practice physical distancing. If attending, please where your mask and sanitize your hands while in the Basement. While in line, please stand with physical distance guidelines.
We may be able to transport large furniture items, but will not be able to bring them inside your spaces.
Please also be aware that due to COVID-19, Preferred payment method for Yard Sale items is through our Online Yard Sale Payment Link. You can find this at our church website at www.afumc.com and select the Church Yard Sale menu item or simply click here Church Yard Sale Payment. Otherwise the yard sale can only take a check or exact change.
Thank you for supporting Avent Ferry UMC.
Please pay for your Yard Sale Item below.
Annual Church Yard Sale is August 14th!!!!!