Order of Worship June 28th, 2020, 4th Sunday After Pentecost
For the Avent Ferry UMC Worship Video Click Here
The worship video will be available at 11:00am.
Text for hymns are found below each hymn. Click on the hymn highlighted text for music.
Prelude: Gregory Dixon, Pianist/Music Director
Please post your prayer requests and praises in the online chat box, or email concerns to pastor@afumc.com
Greeting: Pastor Juan Turcios
Opening Prayer: Pastor Juan Turcios
“O Lord, we come before you this morning with praise and
thanksgiving. Open our minds to what you have to teach
us. Open our hearts to your love, and enable us to love
you in a new and more profound way. Open our souls to
the joy that can only be found in you. In Christ’s holy
name we pray. Amen.”
Opening Hymn: Days of Elijah, #3186-G
1. “These are the days of Elijah,
declaring the Word of the Lord.
And these are the days of your servant, Moses;
righteousness being restored.
And though these are days of great trials,
of famine and darkness and sword,
still we are the voice in the desert crying,
‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord.’
Behold he comes riding on the clouds,
shining like the sun at the trumpet call.
So lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee.
And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes.
2. “These are the days of Ezekiel,
The dry bones becoming as flesh.
And these are the days of your servant, David;
rebuilding the temple of praise.
And these are days of the harvest;
the fields are as white in the world.
And we are your laborers in your vineyard
declaring the Word of the Lord.
Behold he comes riding on the clouds,
shining like the sun at the trumpet call.
So lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee.
And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes.”
Psalms Reading: Kukua Effraim
Psalms 13 (NRSV)
Praises and Prayers of the People: Pastor Juan Turcios
Hymn of Preparation: Fill My Cup, Lord, #3093-G
1. “Like the woman at the well I was seeking
for things that could not satisfy;
and then I heard my Savior speaking:
‘Draw from my well that never shall run dry.’
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
bread of heaven, feed me ‘til I want no more —
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
2. “There are millions in this world who are craving
the pleasure earthly things afford;
but none can match the wondrous treasure
that I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
bread of heaven, feed me ‘til I want no more —
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
3. “So, my neighbor, if the things this world gave you
leave hungers that won’t pass away,
my blessed Lord will come and save you,
if you kneel to him and humbly pray:
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord!
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
bread of heaven, feed me ‘til I want no more —
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!”
Gospel Reading: Pastor Juan Turcios
Matthew 10:40-42 (NRSV)
Sermon: Pastor Juan Turcios
Name of message: “Cold Cup of Water”
Giving of our tithes and offerings: Kukua Effraim
You can do this with no fee through your bank’s online bill pay option. It is easy to set up for automatic monthly giving. Or, you can use this link: Online Giving
Offertory: The Majesty and Glory of Your Name, by Tom Fettke
The Doxology: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow, #95-R
“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Prayer after receiving: Pastor Juan Turcios
Gracious God, your hospitality has surrounded us and welcomed us, even when we only grudgingly extended hospitality to sisters and brothers who are also your children. May we grow each day in our willingness to be welcoming disciples, not just to those who look like us, talk like us, or think like us. May our offering this morning be received not just in gratitude for your hospitality, but as our way to extend comfort and welcome to those for whom your love is a mystery. We pray in Christ’s holy name. Amen. (Matthew 10:40-42)
Closing Hymn: Love Lifted Me, #3101-G
1. “I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore,
very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
but the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
from the waters lifted me; now safe am I.
Love lifted even me! Love lifted even me!
When nothing else could help. Love lifted me.
Love lifted even me! Love lifted even me!
When nothing else could help. Love lifted me.
2. “Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves;
he will lift you by his love out of the angry waves.
He’s the Master of the sea, billows his will obey;
he your Savior wants to be — be saved today.
Love lifted even me! Love lifted even me!
When nothing else could help. Love lifted me.
Love lifted even me! Love lifted even me!
When nothing else could help. Love lifted me.”
Announcements: Lorri Bingham
Dismissal with blessing: Pastor Juan Turcios
“May our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the living water, grant you strength and wisdom to offer cups of cold water to those in need. Let your Holy Spirit guide us all so our presence may be welcoming to all people. May the cup of Justice, spill into our world, to heal those who are hurting. Go in peace. Amen.”
Postlude: Gregory Dixon, Pianist/Music Director
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Join Us For Worship, Sunday June 28th!