“Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?…….Feed my sheep.” John 21:17
The Little Food Pantry on the church grounds near the bus stop is a great asset to the community. Please help to keep it stocked with non-perishable foods. We have directed people needing help to the Little Pantry and want to keep that well-stocked. As we get closer to summer weather, be careful about leaving items like fruit cups as the heat and moisture in the cups sometimes will cause mold to grow inside those containers. Peanut butter, rice, dried beans, Mac & Cheese, canned goods including proteins like tuna and chicken are good. If you find it has just been filled when you attempt to drop off, leave the food in the narthex outside the sanctuary or contact Juliet Kallon
We are looking for volunteers to help restock pantry, drop-off and organize food collection setup in the basement.
You can sign up here: The Little Food Pantry Signup