Opening song: Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace
Grace and peace to you from the God who loves you more than you could ever ask or imagine. Yes, that means you, too. All of you. All means all.
Prayer to Welcome the Sabbath (from Common Prayer):
Lord of Creation,
create in us a new rhythm of life
composed of hours that sustain rather than stress,
of days that deliver rather than destroy,
of time that tickles rather than tackles.
Lord of Liberation,
by the rhythm of your truth, set us free
from the bondage and baggage that break us,
from the Pharaohs and fellows who fail us,
from the plans and pursuits that prey upon us.
Lord of Resurrection,
may we be raised into the rhythm of your new life,
dead to deceitful calendars,
dead to fleeting friend requests,
dead to the empty peace of our accomplishments.
To our packed-full planners, we bid, “Peace!”
To our over-caffeinated consciences, we say, “Cease!”
To our suffering selves, Lord, grant release.
Drowning in a sea of deadlines and death chimes,
we rest in you, our lifeline.
By your ever-restful grace,
allow us to enter your Sabbath rest
as your Sabbath rest enters into us.
In the name of our Creator,
our Liberator,
our Resurrection and Life,
we pray.
Joys/God-sightings/Something beautiful in this time of angst:
This morning, I’d love for you to share with those who are with you (or with God if no one is in the house) something beautiful you have seen or heard during this past week…something that warmed your heart or calmed your spirit…or something that was awe-inspiring.
Prayers of the People: (from the Book of Worship #546)
Now, let’s share our prayer concerns. Pause after each petition to lift people or needs.
O Healer of Galilee, you are afflicted in the sufferings of your people
and are full of compassion and tender mercy. Hear us we pray for those who suffer:
For all who suffer trauma in body or mind…
For those whose livelihood is insecure,
the overworked, the hungry, the homeless, and the destitute,
for those who have been downtrodden, ruined, and driven to despair…
For little children,
whose surroundings hide them from your love and beauty,
for the fatherless and motherless…
For those who have to bear their burdens alone,
and for all who have lost those whom they love…
For those who are in doubt and anguish of soul,
for those who are oversensitive and afraid…
For those who suffer through their own wrongdoing…
For those whose suffering is unrelieved by the knowledge of your love…
Set free, Helper of the weak, the souls of your servants from all restlessness and anxiety.
Give us the peace and power that flow from you.
Keep us in all perplexities and distresses, in all griefs and grievances, from any fear or faithlessness;
that being upheld by your strength and stayed on the rock of your faithfulness,
through storm and stress we may abide in you. Amen.
(I was not scheduled to preach today. We had a guest coming in to preach and to sing so Pastor Gina had not written a sermon. But no matter, God still has a word for us today and I think it is for such a time as this. If you have FB, go to the church’s FB page event and I will be live at 11 a.m. on Sunday with this service including a brief message.)
Scripture reading:
Let’s read Exodus 17:1-7 together. I am reading from The Message this morning. You can read from whatever translation you have.
You may also want to read the Gospel of John chapter 4.
Sermon (on FB live at 11)
Remember that you can give your tithes and offerings online at or mail your check to the church at 2700 Avent Ferry Rd., Raleigh, NC 27606.
We appreciate your diligence and generosity in giving to the needs and ministries of the church at this time.
Announcements: Our first small group meeting for The Grace of Les Miserables is scheduled for tomorrow night at 6:30. If you are still planning to attend, please comment, text, or email me. I think we can spread far enough apart but if you prefer we postpone, I need to know. So, contact me and let me know if you are coming.
Don’t forget to click the links below for the rest of today’s worship music.
Dismissal with blessing:
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
For our KIDS ROC kids and anyone who wants to sing and clap along:
For all ages: Greater by MercyMe
Stronger by Mandisa
Lord, I Need You by Matt
Be Still, My Soul