We will gather to join General Conference in worship from 9:00am to 9:20am.
Then we will remain in the sanctuary to continue worship with testimonies, prayers, and fellowship as we participate in viewing the live streaming of General Conference 2019.  For those who wish to remain for part of the day, please bring a lunch or be prepared to go and get lunch and snacks.

-9:00am to 9:20 am      Join the General Conference in worship
-9:20am to 1:30pm       Morning Plenary Sessions 1 and 2 (includes brief breaks)
-1:30pm to 3:30pm       View movie “One Night With The King”  (Lunch Break)
-4:00pm to 7:30pm  Afternoon Plenary Sessions 1 and 2 (includes brief breaks)

Join us for General Conference Gathering and Live Streaming Today!